The right to vote has remained a notable right and a key component to what’s known as the “American Dream”. For many decades, this right was suppressed from both women and Black Americans despite the decisions made by those voted for and sworn into governmental offices making direct impact on these particular groups. Nonetheless, gaining the right to vote didn’t put a halt to the racial and economic disparities that continue to prevail and disproportionately make severe impacts on black men.
Although overlooked and suppressed, the local vote of the black man is one of the most important and crucial inputs from society to see a communal shift. Studies have shown that more participation from Black men and women in elections has had the power to steer the outcome of the election to their preference.
The year 2020 proved the urgency of change that is necessary in society as well as the officials who oversee them which in many cases, is a state of life or death. The climate reflected illness as a result of the Coronavirus, economic struggles, mental health instability, high mortality rates, and continuous trauma as a result of the injustices placed against the Black community, each directly making significantly larger impacts on the Black man. In an era of nationwide grief, the Black man has had to prevail despite the numerous threats waiting for them wherever they reside.
In an era of uninterrupted racism and pronounced mistreatment, the local vote is not only a crucial source of protecting one’s community from those whose intentions are far from pure, but it is a tactic for survival of Black men young and old. Following an unjust killing or interaction with law enforcement, it is the officials on the local level who grant or neglect justice first. It’s the vote for the Mayor, Sheriff, District Attorney, State Legislator, Senators and Representatives, the President, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons which in the end implement the change necessary for Black men to see a better chance of uninterrupted prosperity and life in their communities.
A pivotal component of advocacy for Black men is doing research on how to get involved in their communities and knowing which officials are being sworn into the offices right in their backyards. It is vital to have a clear understanding of an officials’ decision-making history and their concerns for making their community a safer place for Black men. It is equally vital to continuously hold them liable for their efforts or lack thereof during their time in office. In response to the incidents, known and unknown, which occur every day in an effort to tear down the black man, it is the right of the black man to get involved and change the directions of local government. This is a true weapon for accountability and the eventual change that has been anticipated for decades.